Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali has been appointed as the Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank Limited in March 2015 and performing his prestigious role. Prior to this, he was contributing as Managing Director (Current Charge) of the Bank. Mr. Ali, a seasoned banker with more than 37 years of extensive and versatile banking experiences on diversified, welfare and next generation banking business, began his banking career as an Officer with IFIC Bank Ltd. and performed there till 1996. Afterwards, he served Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd. for about a decade till 2008. In the same year he joined First Security Islami Bank Ltd. as Senior Executive Vice President and was promoted to Deputy Managing Director in October 2011. Mr. Ali has obtained his Bachelor Degree in commerce and accomplished the MBA. During his rich and eventful Banking Career, Mr. Ali has attended numerous local and international banking workshops concentrates on product marketing, deposit mobilization, credit portfolio management, leadership, foreign trade, rules and guidelines of foreign trade organized by Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM), various trade chambers, international banks, regulatory bodies etc. of which below are highly regarded. Attended āBreakthrough Leadershipā program on November 3rd & 4th, 2015 in Malaysia, jointly organized by Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM) & The iclif Leadership and Governance Centre. Attended FCI Factoring Workshop from 16th to 18th January, 2017 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Attended Dun & Breadstreet-CEO Conclave from February 16 to 26, 2018 in the United Kingdom. Attended SIBOS 2019 conference in the UK from 20th September to 2nd October on 2019. Attended 5th Annual Bilateral US-Bangladesh CFT Banking Dialogue under OPDAT program of the US Department of Justice held in North Carolina, USA from 25.10.2019 to 03.11.2019. Member, Rotary Club of Dhaka North: President 2002-3; served in Rotary District 3281 as LT Governor, Deputy Governor, Assistant Governor & Committee Chairman.